Friday 9 October 2015

Mesothelioma law firm walkthrough

mesothelioma law firm walkthrough

EightGames - Escape From Mesothelioma Law Firms is another point and snap room getaway diversion created by Eight Games. A legal advisor caught inside the Mesothelioma law office. There are a few pieces of information, riddles and protests left. Discover those articles and indications, fathom the riddles and encourage the attorney to escape out. Good fortunes and have a great time!


Collect coin from right side of the main view.. :)
Use the colour pencils in the same coloured books and use the order from the law 

book to open 4 digit panel in the scene with the red wall and apples and cups.

Day in the diary is the 2 digit code, month the 6 letter word code.

And the year the 4 digit code far right room. Gives last coin gives a currency note.

Currency note is the safe code to get magnet, combine with thread and use in pipe (in your inventory) to get the 4 shapes code.

5 coloured balls is the hint which squares to click on the colourful grid to get the green switches for the maze like thing (place the coloured rings there).

Yellow orange part of the ring on the flowers bottom right in room with chairs and sofas. Green ring on the fish tank. Red ring from using the key. Blue centre part I can't remember but it's not a circle, looks like a ball/button.
